A Commitment to Quality – Part II

A Commitment to Quality – Part II

Expanding Horizons: Building a World-Class Wholesale Boudin Facility As The Best Stop’s reputation for quality and flavor spread far beyond the borders of Scott, Louisiana, the need to expand to meet demand became less of a dream and more of a necessity. This...
A Commitment to Quality – Part 1

A Commitment to Quality – Part 1

From An Empty Lot off LA-93 In the mid-80s, during a challenging period for Louisiana’s economy, Robert Cormier and Lawrence Menard (affectionately known as Uncle Brud) found themselves in a vacant parking lot in Scott, Louisiana. Both in need of additional...
Meat the 5 Types of Grilling Dads

Meat the 5 Types of Grilling Dads

Grilling season is upon us, and as we gear up for a Father’s Day feast, it’s important to recognize that not all dads approach the grill in the same way. In fact, there are five distinct types of grilling dads, each with their own unique style and approach...

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